Get-SendConnector | fl port
Port: 25
Set-SendConnector –Identity “Your Send Connector Name” -Port 587
Port: 587
2100 x bekeken
.DESCRIPTION PowerShell script to display the Client Access server URLsfor Microsoft Exchange Server 2013/2016.
.PARAMETER ServerThe name(s) of the server(s) you
3411 x bekeken
Remove Exchange Server with ADSI Edit
Log in to the domain controller and navigate to the Start menu. Open Administrative Tools and start ADSIEdit.
Remove Exchange
3757 x bekeken
so make a list of users who are still not migrated keep their samaccount (loggin name)name in text file such
2458 x bekeken
Out of the box, if you want to log into Outlook Web App, you need to use the Domain\Username format,
4248 x bekeken
Today’s article will show how to remove Exchange from Active Directory. We are going to force remove Exchange Server with
3613 x bekeken
On your local computer, open Windows PowerShell and run the following command.
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
In the Windows PowerShell Credential Request dialog
2637 x bekeken
Voer met Exchange PowerShell voor e-mails die als gedeeld postvak worden verzonden, de volgende cmdlet uit:
set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $True
2697 x bekeken
New-MailboxExportRequest –Mailbox info –FilePath \\servername\Export\info.pst
Get-MailboxExportRequest -Name MailboxExport | fl
Get-MailboxExportRequest | Get-MailboxExportRequestStatistics
Get-MailboxExportRequest | where {$_.status -eq “Completed”}
Get-MailboxExportRequest | where {$_.status -eq
3541 x bekeken
Most web hosts have disabled the obsolete security protocol, TLS 1.0, and Microsoft Outlook requires v. 1.0 to connect on some
4591 x bekeken
$confirmation = Read-Host "Are you Sure You Want To Proceed:"if ($confirmation -eq 'y') proceed$domain = Read-Host "Voer hier domein naam"Get-OutlookAnywhere
5362 x bekeken
From the Exchange Powershell run the following This command will display the current sizeGet-ReceiveConnector | select identity, maxmessagesizeThis will set
4223 x bekeken
Stop-Service MSExchangeABStop-Service MSExchangeADTopologyStop-Service MSExchangeAntispamUpdateStop-Service MSExchangeEdgeSyncStop-Service MSExchangeFBAStop-Service MSExchangeFDSStop-Service MSExchangeISStop-Service MSExchangeMailboxAssistantsStop-Service MSExchangeMailboxReplicationStop-Service MSExchangeMailSubmissionStop-Service MSExchangeProtectedServiceHostStop-Service MSExchangeReplStop-Service MSExchangeRPCStop-Service MSExchangeSAStop-Service MSExchangeSearchStop-Service MSExchangeServiceHostStop-Service MSExchangeThrottlingStop-Service MSExchangeTransportStop-Service MSExchangeTransportLogSearchStarten
3604 x bekeken
Exchange servers tot versie 2010 >>>Klik hier<<<Exchange servers versie 2013 en nieuwer >>>Klik hier<<<
4301 x bekeken