Generate key with putty key generator
Save the private key
Saving with or whitout Key passphrase
copy the public key from the screen
Make sure there is a .ssh folder in the user/home directory
change to home directory user
cd .ssh
edit the authorized_keys file and paste the public key and save the file
sudo vim authorized_keys
edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
Remove the # from
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2
#PasswordAuthentication yes
and change yes to no
service sshd restart
Add server to Putty
Start Putty and add the conection settings
Go to connection - SSH - Auth - Credentials and add the private ppk file with browse
Select Session and save the configuration
Click on open to start the session with out password