Setup your Reference Image
The first step is to deploy Windows Image from your MDT as a Virtual Machine. You can follow the guides base on your infrastructure.
How Deploy Windows image using MDT and WDS in Windows Server 2016 (Part 1)
How to Deploy a Windows 10 Custom Image with MDT
- When the new Virtual Machine from your Reference Image is ready and has Internet access you must install the Powershell module PSWindowsUpdate.
- Open a Powershell and type the following command
Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate - You will get a warning but just click Yes.
- Now type Get-WindowsUpdate
- Wait until receive the Windows Updates that must be install and you will get a list.
- Open the Microsoft Update Catalog and download the Windows Updates which are missing base on the KB and the Windows OS that you have.
- After you have download all the Windows Updates we are ready to add in your Image.
How to Add Windows Updates Packages in your Image
- Login in your Server with the MDT
- Create a folder with a name that you are prefer to copy the files that will be use.
- Go in Operating System folder from MDT (Deployment Shares) with your image that you want to import the Windows Updates.
- In my scenario is the Windows Server 2016 Std
- Open the folder sources and copy the files boot.wim and install.wim in the folder that created above. For me is the win2016 folder.
- Create a subfolder into the win2016 folder as updates or whatever you want and copy the Windows Updates that you have downloaded.
- Open a powershell command as administrator
- Type Get-WindowsImage C:\win2016\install.wim
- You can see the 4 different options that included in this Windows Image.
- Let's remove all the options except Windows Server 2016 Std
- Type Remove-WindowsImage -ImagePath c:\win20016\install.wim -index 1
- The -index is the number of the ImageIndex from the different options
- After remove the first option type again Get-WindowsImage C:\win2016\install.wim and remove the unecessary options base on the ImageIndex
- Now i have only the Windows Server Standard option.
- You can keep any Version of the Windows Server base on your requirements.
- Just be careful the ImageIndex number to be the right one when remove the options.
- Now let's create a new folder.
- Type mkdir c:\offline
- We will use the offline folder to mount the Windows image and after add the Windows Updates
- So type Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath c:\win2016\install.wim -Index 1 -Path c:\offline
- Wait until finish
- Go in offline folder and you will see all the Windows folders after setup the Windows Server 2016
- Now it's time to add the Windows updates
- Type
- Add-WindowsPackage -Path C:\offline -PackagePath C:\win2016\updates\
- Wait until finish the import.
- The time depends of the windows updates size and the Server\Workstation performance
- When the import of the Windows updates finished successful we must Dismount the Image
- Type the following command
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path c:\offline -Save - The time to dismount the image depends from the Windows Updates which import and the Performance
- When finish successful it's time to Import all the changes in the MDT
How to Import the Windows Image back to your MDT
Until now we have done the following:
- Setup if you don't have already the Reference Image to identify which updates must download.
- We have downloaded the required Windows Updates from the Microsoft Update Catalog,
- We use DISM commands to import Windows Updates in the Windows Image that already have imported in MDT.
Now we need to proceed with the following tasks:
- Replace the install.wim and boot.wim in the Windows Image
- Re-Import the Windows Image in MDT
- Change the Task Sequence
So let's proceed with the above tasks
- Right click in the Operating System that you want to replace with the new up to date and select Properties
- Check the Path.
- Copy and paste the folder in your Download folder
- Copy the install.wim and boot.wim that we use to import the Windows updates in the source folder of the Windows Image that copy in your Download folder
- Delete the Operating System that you have import in MDT
- Import the Windows Image in your Download folder with the new files install.wim and boot.wim in MDT.
- I wrote an article Building a Custom Windows ISO with MDT 2013 that you can find how can import the Operating System
- After import the Windows Image go In the Task Sequence that you have already created for the previous Operating System.
- Click in Task Sequence Tab
- Expand the Install folder
- Select the Install Operating System. In the right side click Browse
- Select the Operating System which imported.
- Click OK
Now you are ready to Deploy the updated Windows Image.