Install MSE on a Windows Server Download MSE >>>klik hier voor download<<<Set Compatiblity mode on Windows 7Launch file with commandlineC:\Temp\mseinstall.exe /disableoslimit
Install Samba on CentOS 7
Samba is a free and open-source re-implementation of the SMB/CIFS network file sharing protocol that allows end users to access files, printers, and other shared
Install NFS Centos 7
NFS Server:, IP address:
NFS Client:, IP address:
Yum -y install vim perl mlocate Configure the Firewall yum -y install firewalld
Install FOG Image Server Centos 7 Continue pre-config
yum install firewalld -y
systemctl start firewalld
systemctl enable firewalld
for service in http https tftp ftp mysql nfs mountd rpc-bind proxy-dhcp samba; do firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public
Integrating Linux Servers With Active Directory
Login to Linux server and do the following steps
1. Update /etc/hosts and add active directory server IP and host name details
2.Login as root user and
Install certificate in UTM 9
Maak een cert aan op een linux machine voor de astaro utm
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out <naamkey>.key 2048openssl req -new -key <naamkey>.key -out aanvraag.csrDien de csr
Install IIS and dotnet core with powershell
# Install IIS and dotnet coreInstall-WindowsFeature "Web-Server","Web-Windows-Auth","Web-ASP","Web-Asp-Net","Web-Asp-Net45" -IncludeManagementTools
$maxAttempts = 30$attemptCount = 0$source = ""$file = "C:\Windows\Temp\dotnet-hosting-2.1.15-win.exe"
Do {$attemptCount++Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $file | Out-Null} while (((Test-Path $file)
Install IIS with options powershell
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
# To list all Windows Features: dism /online /Get-Features# Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online # LIST All IIS FEATURES: # Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | where FeatureName
Install phpIPAM on Linux [Open source IP Address Management System]
Link naar de youtube video Install phpIPAM on Linux [Open source IP Address Management System] - YouTube
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation -------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Log into the Linux
Install https on Ubuntu
# Firewall port 80 and 443 need to be open !!!Be aware that there is a DNS record for the server availablehostnamesudo vim /etc/hostnamesudo vim
Install Homer Dashboard # update and install software repositoriessudo apt update && apt upgrade -yapt install vim ncdu mlocate net-tools -y#install prerequisitessudo apt install git curl apache2 -y#
Install Shell in a box Connect to commandline with SSH on a https connection
Step #1 Update Repositoriessudo apt-get update && upgrade -yStep #2 Install Shell In A Boxsudo apt-get install