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Update windows 10 via Powershell
Updaten via powershell gaat in 3 stappen,
Zorg voor de installatie dat .net 3.5 is geïnstalleerdInstall de moduleinstall-module pswindowsupdateGevolgd door:import-module pswindowsupdate
Kijk welke updates er beschikbaar zijn
Updates voor Windows 7 verkrijgen.
Om toch nog updates te krijgen voor Windows 7 moeten er 2 hotfixen worden gedraait en wel,Voor de X86 versieAls Eerste de Windows6.1-KB3020369-x86.msuen dan de
Update FOG Image Server
yum install git
sudo -i
git clone /root/fogproject
cd /root/fogproject/
git checkout dev-branch
git pull
cd bin
Navigate to http://IPofYourFOGServer/fog/management
Upgrade MariaDB 5.5 to MariaDB 10.0 on CentOS 7
[root@backup02 ~]# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 391
Update with WSUS without a domain
Create a .reg file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate]"AcceptTrustedPublisherCerts"=dword:00000001"ElevateNonAdmins"=dword:00000001"TargetGroup"="XP Workstations""TargetGroupEnabled"=dword:00000001"WUServer"="""WUStatusServer"=""
To remove the content from the registry
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
USB Install Astaro Firewall (UTM)
Creating Your Own Sophos UTM Bootable USB Installation Drive
Installing Sophos UTM from a boot CD is straightforward and works well. The only problem with this
Uptime Kuma config for Docker Containers
Step-1: 1. goto portainer2. open uptime kuma container in docker3. Click on "Duplicate/Edit" under "Actions"4. goto advanced container settings - Select "Volumes" Tab5. Click on "+map